Breeze through the morning in the smart home



How you start your morning has the potential to affect how you feel throughout the rest of the day. If the morning is rushed, you tend to feel behind the eight-ball right from the start, but if it’s calm and organised, that sensation carries through to work, school and beyond. It’s all about routine, and here’s how the smart home can make that morning a breeze, So feel different morning in the smart home

Wake gently

Just as a good night’s sleep is critical, so is the way that you emerge from it. In the smart home, you can establish a morning routine that sees you gently and naturally wake from a restful sleep.

It all happens by setting a simple scene. As part of your morning “scene” you can set your house to gently and gradually turn on the lights, open blinds to welcome in natural light and softly turn on the radio allowing the audio to increase steadily until you awaken.

The right temperature

Now that winter has well and truly set in, it’s even harder to leave the cozy comfort of your bed. As part of your morning routine, set to the temperature control to warm the house gradually before you wake. This also helps you wake more naturally.

If the shower is your first port of call, set the underfloor heating in the bathroom to also come on in advance, allowing you to step into a comfortable bathroom, even on the coldest winter’s day.  

Catch the news

Whether you like your news in bed as you wake, in the bathroom as you ready for work, or in the kitchen as you whip up breakfast, catching the morning’s headlines is as easy as asking your smart speaker to read the news. Need to check your appointments for the day? It’s happy to do that too.

Brew a coffee

As you gently emerge from a bed, listen to the headlines, and ready for work, why not have your coffee machine automatically brew your favourite morning beverage? Connecting your smart coffee machine to the smart home eco-system allows you to program this to happen automatically at a set time, or command it to brew at the push of a smartphone button.

Set to go

Once you’ve enjoyed a relaxed morning routine where you have peacefully awoken, readied for the day in comfort and have caught all the latest news, leaving the smart home is simple.

Just tell the smart home to lock up for the morning as you go. The final element of the morning “scene” can see your smart home shut down extra appliances, switch off the lights and even lock the doors and windows.

And should you forget whether you’ve turned off the iron, that’s no problem either. Remote access allows you to monitor your smart home throughout the day, with the ability to turn things off or on as you please.

About Lera

Lera Smart Home Solutions is a leading installer of smart home technology in the greater Sydney region. Our team boasts over 20 years’ experience in IT networking, programming and the electrical industry.

We have sourced the most reliable and cost efficient solutions from around the world to provide the very best in smart home solutions, and work with our clients to understand their needs.

You can learn more about transforming your house into a smart home here, or contact us directly for further advice.
